Russ Dizdar

Create Your Badge
the new series this week
Inside the Chapel from the Da Vinci Code Film... where I had to....... COMPELLED to pray

I had a listener from France who has been sending me material for some time. He did contact me and made a major trip on train to come and meet us. He told us of his life (WOW) how he started listening to the broadcast and read the book The Black Awakening,  and .... what a providential meeting we had. This is my great friend brother in Christ now. He is doing a great work here 'under the radar'. His kindness and help was great. He took us to Paris to see some sites and for Rob to get some pictures for out last night here. This meeting was ....as I see it now one of the major reasons I came here to France. This may involve a future trip here, and for my friend to come to the USA. It may involve a trip here, to Germany.... to many of the Nazi sites and Himmler's castle. More on this later.

Last day here ...trains and planes and a little delay but what a REEP trip, I MUST SAY THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PRAYED your prayers were powerful! We felt the protection and peace of God. The darkest place was Rennes Chateau where two occult book stores abound and where a real dark presence was....predominate. When I unleashed prayers in that chapel (loud) (as seen in the Da Vinci Code film) I felt as if all darkness backed off and I knew in that time of loud prayer (Acts 4) that it may have been the first time that God's Name was praised, exalted and honored there. In that spot and on that day I do believer God will answer powerfully. That God will unleash a great exposure of the 'Christ denying' spirit of antichrist that pervades there.

Blessings and more will be spoken on the whole trip in a series called 'EARTHERS' France exit God enter the void'

Can't wait to get back to the live RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCASTS.... praying for that new extension satellite  to Europe and ... the ability to translate.  Back to 'ENGAGING THE GLOBE'