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Search results for: SATANISM
23 results found.
3 pages of results.
What is Satanism? Why would people worship Satan knowing that he is inferior to God? Is Satanism the same as Luciferianism?
What is Luciferianism? Why would people worship Lucifer knowing that he is inferior to God? Is Luciferianism the same as Satanism?
What is the Satanic bible? Do satanists view the Satanic bible in the same way that Christians view the Bible?
Articles with content related to The Occult organized into subcategories for easy browsing.
What is the occult? What is Occultism? What are the difference between cults and the occult? How is the occult related to wicca and witchcraft?
Who/what is Baphomet? Is Baphomet a representation of Satan? Does anyone actually believe in a god named Baphomet?
What is the origin and meaning of the pentagram? How did the pentagram become a symbol for Satan / satanism?
What is satanic ritual abuse? Is satanic ritual abuse a real thing? What would be signs of satanic ritual abuse?
Questions about Cults & Religions: What is the definition of a cult? What is the right religion for me? Is Jesus the only way of salvation?
Questions about Angels & Demons (All): What does the Bible say about angels? What does the Bible say about demons? Who is Satan? Home