Land of the free, and home of the brave? After this last election, do you still think we live in a Democracy where government is run with the consent of the governed? Read this book and you will see just how far back Amerikan fascism's roots are seeded. As touched on in my review of the book Acid Dreams, Colin Ross goes deeper and into the legitimate documentation of experiments by doctors, via Paperclip and other organizational efforts, to create mind controlled Manchurian candidates in this country. Just taking a cursory walk through history in the past 30 years will show you how much things have changed. We wonder why. Just the way things are? Overpopulation? Why is it that we have mass murderers in the high schools in our midst? Ross does not allude to these incidences, but he does take a good hard look at Patty Hearst, Sirhan Sirhan and Mark David Chapman utilizing FOIA documentation that certainly makes *me* take a good look at the ongoing insanity in our current day. These things did and do continue to happen. Riveting is the history of Linda MacDonald, a "patient" of Dr. Ewen Cameron at the Allain Memorial Institute in Canada, whose mind was entirely wiped out by LSD and electroshock and then re-wired with taped loops run under her pillow over and over and over as she "slept." She emerged an emotional "infant," who had to invent all over again who she was. This was his "treatment" for what we know today as post-partum depression. You can learn more about this case in the Mind Control video available through the History channel. Ewen Cameron, by the way, was the psychiatrist that "counseled" the Nazi prisoners at the Nuremburg trials. His work was not limited to Canada, either. How nice for him, that he was able to make his "career" on the backs of unwitting human guinea pigs!
Ross has an entire diagram of the MK-ULTRA projects and sub-projects, where they were, who ran them and where the funding came from. What an eye opener that is! There are buildings in my town named after Estabrooks and Hoaglund, "doctors" who were instrumental in the mind control projects pointed out by Dr. Ross. I become more cynical, and less naive, every day.
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